We have a new name! We are ASJ, and we are for a more just society. Learn more >


We strive to be brave Christians, dedicated to doing justice in Honduras and to inspiring others around the world to seek justice in their own contexts.

In Honduras

We work together with our partner organization ASJ-Honduras as they seek justice, work for peace, and lead systemic reform in Honduras.

We make peace possible at both the community and national level by walking alongside victims of violence and advocating for national reforms. Learn more.

We research and report acts of corruption, while pushing for transparency and open access to information. Learn more.

We provide technical support and accountability to government systems work so that all Hondurans have access to basic services like health and education. Learn more.

We invest in vulnerable communities to equip Honduran youth and families to build stronger futures and stronger communities. Learn more.

We share our experience in Honduras with justice seekers around the world, inspiring them to work for justice in their own contexts. Learn more. 

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