We have a new name! We are ASJ, and we are for a more just society. Learn more >

What’s My Role in Justice?

Some may think that only people with particular professions, like a human rights lawyer, can pursue justice. But that couldn’t be further from the truth! Based on our talents, passions, and access, we all have a role to play in building a more just society. You may be a caregiver who ensures no one is left behind, a storyteller who moves people to compassion, an advocate who builds bridges, or a teacher who patiently guides the young and old. Together with these skills, we seek peace and the flourishing of our communities and world.

Reflect: What are your gifts as you seek to live justly? Embrace them!  The Social Change Ecosystem Map by Deepa Iyer at the Building Movement Project is a great place to start if you’re unsure.

Act: Write or draw a note of encouragement for ASJ staff in Honduras – lawyers, policy analysts, social workers, accountants - who seek peace and justice daily. Then send it to us at info@asj-us.org! (We’ll translate it if needed).

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